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What is Pellucid Marginal Degeneration?

Pellucid Marginal Degeneration (PMD) is a subcategory of keratoconus. Pellucid marginal degeneration, like keratoconus, is a progressive non-inflammatory ectasia (thinning) of the cornea. However, in PMD there is a much larger area of the cornea involved and the thinning of the cornea tends to be the lower or inferior part of the cornea. Read up on keratoconus if you would like to learn more how this condition is diagnosed and treated.

Since PMD can affect nearly half the cornea, fitting this type of cornea in conventional contact lenses can be difficult. Fortunately, at NJ Vision & Dry Eye Center, Dr. Christian Crespo is very experienced with fitting custom contact lenses that allow for crisp vision comparatively to normal glasses and contact lenses.

Custom lenses such as Scleral Lenses, allow for comfortable & clear vision all day. These lenses are custom fitting to the patient’s eye and allow optimal vision and comfort where other conventional hard & soft lenses may fail.

Pellucid Marginal Degeneration

Cornea with Pellucid Marginal Degeneration

PMD corneaPMD Cornea 2


If you have been diagnosed with Pellucid Marginal Degeneration and would like to schedule a visit with our eye doctors at NJ Vision & Dry Eye Center, to see the options available to you for improving your quality of vision, contact us at 732-727-7450 to schedule a an eye exam or consultation.