Meibox Meibographer
Meibography imaging test which illuminates the glands with a non-invasive Infra-red light. Providing high resolution images of meibomian glands, the Meibox has helped take the mystery out of dry eyes.
BlephExTM hand piece precisely and carefully, spins a medical grade micro-sponge along the edge of your eyelids and lashes, removing scurf and debris and exfoliating your eyelids.
ARK-1a Autorefractor & Keratometer
Very accurate in the assessment of vision, contact lens fitting and various diseases of the cornea and inner eye structures. Using an automated, computerized refracting system, we can determine the best prescription for you.
Practitioner Ophthalmoscope
Used for inspecting the retina and other parts of the eye.
Humphrey Matrix FDT Visual Field
An ideal Glaucoma screening device that provides a clinically verified, fast and affordable means of detecting early visual field loss.
Pulsair intelliPuff Tonometer
Non-contact tonometer whose totally automated operation results in error-free ocular pressure measurements
ML1 Manual Lensometer®
This is used by optometrists and opticians to verify the correct prescription in a pair of eyeglasses and contact lenses, to orient and mark uncut lenses, and to properly mount lenses on eyeglass frames.